Sunday, December 5, 2021
STAR DATE SOLARIS NOV 5 GOLDEN please share paneaglesong
THE Solar AGAPE alignment…THE SUN MOON AND GREAT ATTRACTOR ALIGN this December 4 at 12sag 22 01 WHICH is SOLARIS of 252 22 241 = 515 – 155 At 5 virgo and conjunct REGULUS the celestial navigator and little king as the presenter of the celestial or true UNIVERSIS Moon in SAGE or the LIGHT OF THE WISE MEN, the foreseer or TRUE SEER and the SOLAREAN man, or NUMAN among us as the LIVING ONE, always and enever ON STAR DATE DEC 5 2021 #c *Galactic Center g 8°53' 5" SOULAR AQUARIAN THE EAGLE UNIVERSAL SIGNS is 28 CANCER Pluto opposition Universal : There is opposition to the SOLAR UNIVERSAL in man, against the local korporate system of Pluto and his dark brat controllers The ALIENATION agenda and genocide continues with advancing COVIDITY and its apparent goal of Limitation on Man and his independence A Sun i 14°14'26" 4 1° 0'56" 0° 0' 1" S 22°30'26" S B Moon j 10°22'28" 5 15° 1'11" 3°18'22" S 26°19'41" THE MOON CAPRICORN in the STAR FIELD OF VEGA, giving the REALUTION of things gone by and elimination of limitations People will be the most practical efficient and functional possible, or at least self-determining THE SUUN Rise Morning of the Cancer with the Familiar Family and devotion caretakers THE SUUN evening sunset GOLDEN BEAR playing in the fields of the Lord so to speak, good times and playful natures SABIAN 15 SAGITTARIUS The Ground Hog Looking For Its Shadow On Ground Hog Day The value of anticipating new turns of events and ascertaining future prospects Indeed IT IS TIME to see the future as an event we create now in the present 12/5 SOULAR EDITORIAL: THE SEVENTH DAY TO shine like the SUN URANUS HARMONIC URANUS and the 7 YEAR CYCLE THE GREATEST TIME TO LEARN THE GREATEST OF ASTROLOGY Every 7 years Uranus makes a positive or negative aspect to itself in our charts and every 14 years everyone gets this hit of URANUS, the UNIVERSAL This year Pan has a trine Uranus to Uranus as the SOLAR UNIVERSAL GALACTICIAN As HEY PANEAGLESONG, my song was LIVE FROM THE TREASURE TREE As culmination of my experience was with 200 songs written in the past 7 years I have now the NU ARC SYMPHONY as a SOLAR VESSEL of the NU WAVE I also created and wrote the STAR ROCK LEGEND creation myth and the WILDSTOCK concert concept Where the star rock legends all gather at Grand Rock Canyon to save the world The EXP’o’erience of the 60’s mirror in JIMI HENDRIX and the Children of God Hip’Eyes became his famous guitarist in Nov 1966 with the largest meteor shower in the 20 century When he wrote and played on the AXIS BOLD AS LOVE, and the great Are You EXPerienced album Now with the great Attractor eclipse and the full moon Galactic Center, comes the time to announce THE NU AEGIS is here, the NU wave REVEALATION (EINSIGN REALUTION) OF THE REAL AEGIS (GENESIS of GESUS) There is no acceptance (AS APT AH’sound) or accord (chord of light) of the NU WAVE or NU AEGIS No social cultural relative milieu which can hold or receive or recognize this ALL IS NU Now ideation Yes its not a Physical idea or a human world phenomena or even a SOLAR EVENT in reality But it is REAL, and so here it is, THE NUMANITYY of the NU WAVE on NU URTH in the REAL NU-UNIVERSIS The problem is this, MAN DOES NOT RECOGNIZE THIS, and as Saturn is square my Uranus, these announcements is not recognized, Mostly due to the CORPORATION of CHRISTIAN ISLAMIC and RIGGED VEDA and other RELIGIONISTAS and INTER-RACIAL NATIONLISM and because of COVIDITY and other human alien Hybrid Genetic Experiments on the EARTH BONDED humanity This article written by PAN GENUS EINSIGN otherwise known as PETERoris MARSHALLah NuastrADAMSus, the one UNIVERSAL SOLARIST SOLAR STAR DATE 12/6 sabian 16 sagittarius day of the golden bear dec 5 2021 ...THE SEVENTH DAYS OF THE SOULAR and Making the change into the NU UNIVERSAL CALENDAR..the SOLAR GALACTIC NU YEAR IS DEC 18 and today is the SUN GREAT ATTRACTOR conjunction... THE SEVENTH DAYS OF THE SOULAR Making a change into the NU UNIVERSAL CALENDAR There are 7 52 day periods in the SOULAR NEW YEAR as there IS the 7 days of 24 SOULAR hours There is also the 14 SIGN-NATURES of the 14 SOLAR UNIVERSAL periods of MONADS of the SUUN There is then the 7 YEAR cycle of URANUS which is our Local Universal Timer in Astrological terms Following any one of these gives one a new perspective on our SOULAR TIME and UNIVERSAL positioning The REAL UNIVERSAL POSITIONING is however our own SOLARIS in the Real Universe, beyond time creation or Universal cycle Each NUMAN has his own 3 “bodies”, the 5D or SOULAR body, the LIGHT BODY or BEING OF LIGHT the SUN or Humanistically in 3D (heart brain body..or astral (sol) mental (spirit) and (psy) physical) And there is our Universal body 7D the SOLARIS which is a unified STAR SUUN (field of Light) impersonal neutral and universal TO BECOME AWARE is to know who you are NOW in the real UNIVERSIS, not just human or physical or an emotional consideration SOLASTRY IS not Astrology, and the NU AEGIS is not the AGE OF AQUARIUS Of course it is not the same page as every or anyone else and I know not one Astrologer really gets it either, which is astounding considering what it really is being shared... everything you think you know is not IT in the locked box prison planet as most are only ready for another end and return in another or many more lifetimes without any idea what the real universeIS (heavens) or the real side of tru reality LIFE IS if Jesus or anyone else came back to show or share it, none would recognize it As I who once was the 3 Astrologers (wise men) Peteoris in 0 ad ...Marshallah in 800 ad and even ones like Nustradamus 1600 I have reported the NU Wave that now is here and has always been available to you... that the NU AEGIS is not the old aegis of Zeus, of the Greco roman Egyptian Mayan or Babylonian Atlanteans Nor astrologers or the religionists or even Sci-end’tists as it was established by the Alien/Orions space god overlords, the age old program of control domination Reptilian manipulated humiliation genetic and psychic hybridism, which is sadly in place for so very long, a bunch of nonsense for the most part if not all except as the human school of de-evolution and this current COVIDITY experiment included of course.. How can we actually become the REAL BEING OF LIGHT that we are, not just the echo of the Solar Wave.. So you may want to wake up to THIS which is always there , that is right here now for you... this writing on the new moon eclipse of the sun moon conjunct great attractor says it all best to ALL IS as we can be... DEC 4 2021 by Paneagle Galactician Solarist THE SEVENTH DAYS OF THE SOULAR Making a change into the NU UNIVERSAL CALENDAR There are 7 52 day periods in the SOULAR NEW YEAR as there IS the 7 days of 24 SOULAR hours There is also the 14 SIGN-NATURES of the 14 SOLAR UNIVERSAL periods of MONADS of the SUUN There is then the 7 YEAR cycle of URANUS which is our Local Universal Timer in Astrological terms Following any one of these gives one a new perspective on our SOULAR TIME and UNIVERSAL positioning The REAL UNIVERSAL POSITIONING is however our own SOLARIS in the Real Universe, beyond time creation or Universal cycle Each NUMAN has his own 3 “bodies”, the 5D or SOULAR body, the LIGHT BODY or BEING OF LIGHT the SUN or Humanistically in 3D (heart brain body..or astral (sol) mental (spirit) and (psy) physical) And there is our Universal body 7D the SOLARIS which is a unified STAR SUUN (field of Light) impersonal neutral and universal TO BECOME AWARE is to know who you are NOW in the real UNIVERSIS, not just human or physical or an emotional consideration SOLASTRY IS not Astrology, and the NU AEGIS is not the AGE OF AQUARIUS Of course it is not the same page as every or anyone else and I know not one Astrologer really gets it either, which is astounding considering what it really is being shared... everything you think you know is not IT in the locked box prison planet as most are only ready for another end and return in another or many more lifetimes without any idea what the real universeIS (heavens) or the real side of tru reality LIFE IS if Jesus or anyone else came back to show or share it, none would recognize it As I who once was the 3 Astrologers (wise men) Peteoris in 0 ad ...Marshallah in 800 ad and even ones like Nustradamus 1600 I have reported the NU Wave that now is here and has always been available to you... that the NU AEGIS is not the old aegis of Zeus, of the Greco roman Egyptian Mayan or Babylonian Atlanteans Nor astrologers or the religionists or even Sci-end’tists as it was established by the Alien/Orions space god overlords, the age old program of control domination Reptilian manipulated humiliation genetic and psychic hybridism, which is sadly in place for so very long, a bunch of nonsense for the most part if not all except as the human school of de-evolution and this current COVIDITY experiment included of course.. How can we actually become the REAL BEING OF LIGHT that we are, not just the echo of the Solar Wave.. So you may want to wake up to THIS which is always there , that is right here now for you... this writing on the new moon eclipse of the sun moon conjunct great attractor says it all best to ALL IS as we can be... DEC 4 2021 by Paneagle Galactician Solarist
Saturday, December 4, 2021
Friday, November 26, 2021
Thursday, November 18, 2021
Sunday, November 14, 2021
WHEN YOU FIND YOU’R A STAR TO THE WONDER ARC Take the wonder Arc Bring your star SOUL wonderful You already are Way past Jupiter and mars Along the milky way Across the great divide And the creation dream Out of the galactic spiral Beyond the sea of stars To oceanus the tru cloud atlas arc And the treasure tree Lanikai Open its real heaven gates
Here on earth suspend belief Where the dune planet ends you begin Arrakis to childhoods end once I was peter pan The star child awakens as the uncle arimethean Author kidnapped and treasure island tree Saint joe to the day the earth stood still the first church built by the first star rock man the NU URTH we build all along the watchtowers as the apocalypse nears and the star rock legends here by men doomed In ALIEN nation spheres takes they’re dark controllers words and images in bibles korans lancelots camel yearns by Mathews Falstaff jokes in arabian nights where long ago Nathaniel and apollo rode along john lennon’s imagine strawberry elysian fields the soular research vessel IN sight of real UniversIS as the Messiah Gesus Einsign Andromedan by the spex orgasmic ecstasy that IS NU ALL in
NU-AM-AH IS vairagi boundless IS IN THE WONDER ARC bring your Star Soul Are WONDERFUL in the wonder Arc Bring your Star
HERCULES CYCLE Nov 14 day 7 nov 8 is day 1 nov 20 day 13 7 days or TRIALS from nov 8 to 14 and then the 5 days of UNIVERSAL purpose Leading up to the SOLAR GALACTIC redirect on Nov 19/20 SOLAR EDITORIAL GREAT IDEAS and the REEL to REAL movie SCI-FI comes to life the great SOLAR(IS) FLARE FLASH MOB Procuring the end of the world as we know it Solaris solareans and solastry as the one universal psi-ence the monumental binary code universe letters to astrologers and hand…greene… what the (great) astrologers missed solaris and the godz to become a REAL SEER the proponent and co-producer proseltyizing why the real truth (and god-spell) and full delivery did not occur the parable of Joseph of Arimethean and the church of England the first rock man and the legend of the star rock How I built the first church and why the god-spell (bible land) People wouldn’t accept the truth or the fake resurrection Nor the cosmic relations or unity beyond a physical church How saint paul and st joseph procured a living church Which was of course not the whole truth and nothing but The dream of einsign and the observer of relativity on the bridge of solar universal THE SOLARIS and the STAR CHANNEL of movie vision : The great solar flare flash mob armeggeddon The electric EMR wave and loss of all computer devices Of those left on during the solar flare event Everything using electronics was wiped of data and use world wide Knowing out all systems communications automobiles economic energy gas and medical So the majority of world grids and human habitations are down and lost All that survives are plants animals and humans not dependent on EMR systems The real armeggedon still would only be humanity killing itself The question will systems with computer chips not fried in the fire come back up When the people find out that the real attractor of the solar flare was man’s overuse of Planetary wide electronics and the faulty co-dependence by economic monopolies There is a worldwide movement of ‘naturalism’ And those who viewed the solar flare Day of the Triffids plot had a solar flare blinding everyone who saw it And all the plants became ‘walking ‘ man eaters Also in DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL the aliens shut off all electronic systems for half an hour As a demonstration of power of the galactic union which was observing humanity on earth At the end of this story and the book D’ESTINY There this IS the shocked reveleation of the real URTH and RESURRECTION of the REAL AWARENESS of true humanity REEL TO REAL Review of movies that have concepts for events that have not happened yet Create a movie story concept and review the whole idea as a real story that could be real And then report the SIMULATOR as well as universal The solar attractor and the electronic hand of man How the solar flare was attracted to the Planetary EMR grid and the great wave of NU Reality that opened on NU URTH In D’estiny I wrote of the great wave of ‘light’ which came from Across the Universe from the planet EXIS on the outer rim As it was being pulled towards the galactic center Which lit up the Urth world in 4th dimension All because of the Litecs hypnotic matrix ALIENATION built on 5 ‘space’ stations who worked on a planetary contract of the empirical galactic controllers and dark brat reptilian agenda
Saturday, November 13, 2021
Friday, November 12, 2021
Monday, September 20, 2021
Saturday, September 18, 2021
Friday, March 12, 2021
Thursday, February 11, 2021
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