Tuesday, November 22, 2022
STAR DATE NOV 22 WATER on the WIND EULOGY Paneaglesong for the LOST ONES
ZABIAN STAR DATE NOV 22 GIVING OUR RESPECTS IT IS 60 YEARS SINCE PRESIDENT KENNEDY ASSASINATION RELEASING THE DEAD PAST PRESIDENTS ZOMBIES KINGS AND QUEEN Sun 1 Sagittarius Moon STAR the PHEONIX GRIFFIN …Dragons and scorpions Rise out of Ashes and discover your GREAT ZINN Magicianship of JOY… Movie to watch “The 3,000 YEARS OF LONGING ” SOLAR rise with the ARIES SOLARIANS becoming independent and aware SOLAR DAY EVENING TORUS …NOV 24 THE GREATEST THANKSGIVING EVER Live and Care FRUITFUL ABUNDANCE of the GREAT URTH in the REAL natural environment ZOLARIS the REAL SOLAR ARTS and ZOLASTRY My CHRISTMAS GIFT…here’s how everyone can win the lottery this year GO TO STARLOTTERY.BLOGSPOT.COM WATER on the WIND Paneaglesong for the LOST ONES Eulogy This EUOLOGY song for the lost ones by paneaglesong those who translated moved on or ended a life like John Lennon aretha franklin prince and my friend Tony Borras What happens to Souls who pass and what they may say back to US here SHINE Like the Sun represents how we may BE even in passing Water on the Wind describes how living in the living water of life Being in the world but not of it, we are in the REAL FLORIVA How Soul can miss his mark but still have the Heart (of Luv) The world is a great danger not just of death but of Life in Love The video shows our presentations SHINING LIKE THE SUN Our Gardeden Freeseum Solarium Blue Pot Springs and Dancing in the Kitchen and Living by Example DIGITARTSIS creations from paneaglesong futureadvancenow.blogspot.com LYRICS SHINE LIKE THE SUN paneaglesong WATER on the WIND (SONG FOR TONY) Got my head caught in the spider web Sitting down to write this song Water on the wind in the field of green SHINES LIKE THE SUN As it powers itself, and made ALL IS Tony took a walk, come into the park The Heaven was dark BUT HE SHINED HIMSELF INTO THE HEART of Earth’s Heaven As you talk to family and friends You’re beloved Darlings and kin Like all those who passed like the wind They Talk to those loved from within and to make amends with the Free One, You’r smiling SHINES LIKE THE SUN Through the dark tunnel cast To the light of a mothers heart in the world of grime and gruff still where you’ll find the love Many of the greats have also passed As the heart stands fast In the trials and tribulations past the challenge of a lifetime cast Come to know truth, and now bury the past Fly into the wind In love you’re SOL shining on the field of dreams Don’t go back as a free Soul at heaven’s gates You’r a free being take to the high road On the free wind free soul goes into the sun On the high road look back only to SMILE from the other side
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Monday, November 14, 2022
Sunday, October 9, 2022
Friday, October 7, 2022
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
STAR DATE OCT 6 DAYS OF BEAUTY Night of the Sun paneaglesong
A Sun g 13°50'39" 5 59' 9" 0° 0' 0" S 5°27'42" S
B Moon l 8°33'25" 10 14° 9'31" 4°43'21" S 12°44' 9" S
star date sun 14 libra moon pisces the southern cross of the king...queen deneb solunar gemini solunar eve sunset cancare soular 23 scorpio....... universalis aquarius 28 WITH
6 day is work labor focus accuracy precision health virtue order organization
noble regal heritage becomes the normal way of LOVE TRUTH and BEAUTY
solar DAYZ of the CANCARE in the family way and caring for the heart and hearth
doing what we can to make it all REAL in the tough world of the SATAN LORD rulers
The SOULAR keeps transforming in the trial of hercules learn to release
and recognize the BI-DEN-TITY of 2022 problem of the human perception
and the karma reality of domination manipulation obession and addiction
the universalis Month of PI-SEAS provides empathy
inner sense and music arts creativity and caretaking
Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
STAR DATE JAN 19 THE NU-SUN JOINS THE UNIVERSAL tonight in the AM hours of JAN 19 " #c *Galactic Center g 9° 4'27" SOULAR SAGITTARIUS ALL DAY…discovery knowledge wisdom expansion joy transference travels of soul Moon LEO in the BIG DIPPER the golden BEAR at our best strength and in the DOMINION of the CONTROL dark brats or human solar systems (SUN MADE HUMANITY) The SOLUNAR day SUNRISE Sagittarius and the SAGE seeking and expanding the REAL SIDE OF Life and Sunset evening of the SWAN and DOLPHIN, in the products of our AWARENESS JAN 18 moon leo sabian 29 capricorn Solunar libra Arcturus sunrise solunar scorpio sunset Sagittarius am hours wednesday Soular gt scorpio Hercules sunrise and day ….to Sagittarius evening THE DAY OF THE SOCIAL ORDER or RECORGANIZATION of SOLAR ARC realization Always we have choice to be pure human (one dimensional man) or controlled AI (Alien) or a pure ‘spirutual’ SEER The following of the social consciousness produces more control and restrictions on the self man and life The Arcturians came and are here for the purpose of the freedom or awareness of the relation conditionality This is to activate our natural being of light within the world of social orders and human partners THE SOULAR DAY OF HERCULES (POSITION scorpio) and the Centaurus (solar bull/archer) who is learning to go beyond creation and discover the REAL TRIAL of the Universal Self to joyn or be in the REAL UNIVERSITIS We discover how we are objectifying ourself to things or people or community and belief religions or science The sunset SOLUNAR scorpio is a cold barren world or a civilized conditional creation (TRANSFORMER OF LIGHT) We must realize we are not the old AEGIS signs of the zodiac ANIMAL while we are learning the LESSONS of the GOLDEN BEAR or BIG DIPPER pouring out the gifts of heaven or taken them personally being self-convicted That is dominated by our own ego or I -man identity Jan 18 star editorial TURNING WORDS INTO REALITY : the NU language THE GREAT DIFFERENCE : SOLASTRY and ASTROLOGY The GREAT WRITER and the GREAT DECIDER The NU U U AND THE HU, the NUMANITY AND HUMANITY The AQUARIAN AGE AND THE NU AEGIS The NU WAVE and the GOLDEN SUUN The TRU REALITY LIFE IS and the ALL IS THE SIMULATOR and the GREAT WITNISS THE STAR ROCK LEGEND and the DEATH OF THE STARS THE UNIVERSE AND THE REAL UNIVERSIS THE BIG BANG AND THE CREATION MYTH A MOMENT IN TIME AND ETERNITY THE MOON Plaque and COVIDITY The alien human HYBRID and the REPTILIAN alienation THE BIBLE and the TOWER OF BABEL THE NU ABALLAH AND THE KABALLAH THE DARK LORD CONTROLLERS AND SATANIC THE WORSHIP and the WARSHIP THE UNIVERSE OF SPACE TIME AND THE REAL UNIVERSIS HUMAN BI POLAR BRAIN and the NU REALITY OF MAN PERCEPTION AND REAL AWARENESS THE REAL NUWS and the daily NEWS All these represent the ideas and polarized concepts of reality. That is the real difference is not a polarity, but we only see it when we point out the polarity. This is the human paradox (perception) and the NUman recognition. Let us see the differencing, as this…THE PLUS and MINUS or the _ and + or the male and female as positive and negative poles, but in stead of believing it is good or bad, or some such other interpretation, let us view the - + as a NUETRAL, which is both are as they are, yet outside the polarity, each sex as an example just is, not of the plus or minus, but as a causation, we find it is our choice what reality we wish to create, and so man and women created reality as a union, but also have separate or distinct reality, just as we also are ourselves each of us unique or distinct, creating our own simulated reality or creation, that is distinct from any other, and is itself an ISNISS, and so the same goes for the ALL IS of all reality and the ISNISS OF REALITY ITSELF, And this real awareness is quite distinct from perception or our view of reality, which is our A CAUSAL or ALL natural or NU Unity with ALL IS, depending only on our choice and view, which can be manufactured in the simulator, or created in our mind or under the control of the SIMULATED CAUSALITY or DARK LORD brats Thusly what our reality IS, IS, and the TRU REALITY LIFE IS in either respect, not a plus minus or good bad, just an ISNISS life IS. The real difference between ALL IS and ISNISS This is the sum total or whole as opposed to the ISNISS of all things, that each of us is an ISNISS, not a body in time, not a covid experiment, not a star in the heavens, not a moment in time, not a holy immortal or a space god, not a belief system or worship warship alien, not just a human or a numan, not just a free being of light, not just a simulated reality, not a matrix code dominant, not a one dimensional union, not a polarity of perception, not a three dimensional reality, nor any specific literal or personal causation or law principle The SPACE GDZ and THE GODZ OF MAN The real universe is every unfolding. Our position is every becoming. The NU reality is enever now. The NU advisor is the NUMAN, the NU GUIDES ever unfolding the NU UniversIS ever decoding and the NU REALITY ever being. There is no reference and no preference nor is there a causal or mental definition, THE REAL DIFFERENCE is not GOD is REAL or the GOD HAS A NAME OR RELIGION OR A REALITY ITSELF, That NU U IS UNREAL or a REAL—LEGION or that there is any name place or condition of the ONE reality which LIFE IS…. So to know THE ____ One is a recognition, not a creation, and the REVEALATION is not a REVELATION nor is the GENESIS the NU AEGIS, or the EXODUS a EXEGIS of the REAL which is ALL IS in its ALL ISNISS Everything man has is a pronouncement of time, a valuation of space, a conditional reality, a polarity in union, a sex race space case or a social cultural real-legion of perspective, an idea or concept of reality, and is most likely fixed in a time space control matter, or a simulated reality of which we are caught and positioned, a conditionality which we have accepted and by agreement continue for whatever purpose either of the kaluum god or the ONE NU Universal THE REAL DIFFERENCE between SOLARIS AND ASTROLOGY, the NU AEGIS AND THE AQURIAN AGE The ASTROLOGY is a system developed by the SUMERIANS which creates space gods of planets or stars and the SUN, which was caused or created by the SPACE GOD worship ideas of the Orions, and other space race aliens, who had visited and then altered the DNA encoded humanity as a civilization bred control experiment, much like covidity demonstration (DEMON STRATA) or condition of the matrix coded AI we see becoming more and more the reality of man in the ALIENATION and Reptilian drama of survival, using laws principles and restricted dominion, that is the dark lord or space god, the difference between the KALUUM GOD and the SPACE GOD worship is the same difference or distance, even as such like social distancing is a tool of the god belief system and the ACTION of dark lord overlords or control which insists on its one dimension domination in a three dimensional position, which has little relation to life itself in its whole or UNIVERSAL (seven life levels and the SOLARIS) The difference between the NU AEGIS and the OLD AEGIS OF ZEUS, is the objects of the SUN or the STARS are bounded to the earth ecliptic, or grounded in the solar system, based on the past and time in a fixed reverse cycle of a universe linear and bounded, while the NU AEGIS is a current and ever becoming, like a big bang that is never ending, and the creation that is always unfolding, not a fixed time based or space controlled matrix. There is a difference between the AGE OF AQUARIUS, too the AI unfolding reality in a galactic universe or the virtual reality dominant, and the NU AEGIS which is not a time space reference, is itself every becoming as are we, an associate or relative of the TRU REALITY and not the relative of the STARS or SUN which is that of a position in the solar and solar galactic among constellations or positions of view, which we have subscribed to. Yet the unity of these is the REALITY, so that Life proceeds from either OR from the OTHER, which has no name or song or position except as we relate to it, that is OUR REAL AWARENESS is of ITSELF, and this IS AN ISNISS Man takes the solid ground control of Major Tom or the MAJOR LEAGUE or even the COMIC BOOK legion of Heroes and becomes our view or position which cannot be easily broken or changed because it appears to be REALITY. lIke a movie with no ending, or a INDIANA JONES story which begins with a premise which actually ends without any resolution,, as there was no difference of the begin and ending. It in this is all a cosmic joke.
STAR DATE JAN 19 THE NU-SUN JOINS THE UNIVERSAL tonight in the AM hours of JAN 19 " #c *Galactic Center g 9° 4'27" SOULAR SAGITTARIUS ALL DAY…discovery knowledge wisdom expansion joy transference travels of soul Moon LEO in the BIG DIPPER the golden BEAR at our best strength and in the DOMINION of the CONTROL dark brats or human solar systems (SUN MADE HUMANITY) The SOLUNAR day SUNRISE Sagittarius and the SAGE seeking and expanding the REAL SIDE OF Life and Sunset evening of the SWAN and DOLPHIN, in the products of our AWARENESS JAN 18 moon leo sabian 29 capricorn Solunar libra Arcturus sunrise solunar scorpio sunset Sagittarius am hours wednesday Soular gt scorpio Hercules sunrise and day ….to Sagittarius evening THE DAY OF THE SOCIAL ORDER or RECORGANIZATION of SOLAR ARC realization Always we have choice to be pure human (one dimensional man) or controlled AI (Alien) or a pure ‘spirutual’ SEER The following of the social consciousness produces more control and restrictions on the self man and life The Arcturians came and are here for the purpose of the freedom or awareness of the relation conditionality This is to activate our natural being of light within the world of social orders and human partners THE SOULAR DAY OF HERCULES (POSITION scorpio) and the Centaurus (solar bull/archer) who is learning to go beyond creation and discover the REAL TRIAL of the Universal Self to joyn or be in the REAL UNIVERSITIS We discover how we are objectifying ourself to things or people or community and belief religions or science The sunset SOLUNAR scorpio is a cold barren world or a civilized conditional creation (TRANSFORMER OF LIGHT) We must realize we are not the old AEGIS signs of the zodiac ANIMAL while we are learning the LESSONS of the GOLDEN BEAR or BIG DIPPER pouring out the gifts of heaven or taken them personally being self-convicted That is dominated by our own ego or I -man identity Jan 18 star editorial TURNING WORDS INTO REALITY : the NU language THE GREAT DIFFERENCE : SOLASTRY and ASTROLOGY The GREAT WRITER and the GREAT DECIDER The NU U U AND THE HU, the NUMANITY AND HUMANITY The AQUARIAN AGE AND THE NU AEGIS The NU WAVE and the GOLDEN SUUN The TRU REALITY LIFE IS and the ALL IS THE SIMULATOR and the GREAT WITNISS THE STAR ROCK LEGEND and the DEATH OF THE STARS THE UNIVERSE AND THE REAL UNIVERSIS THE BIG BANG AND THE CREATION MYTH A MOMENT IN TIME AND ETERNITY THE MOON Plaque and COVIDITY The alien human HYBRID and the REPTILIAN alienation THE BIBLE and the TOWER OF BABEL THE NU ABALLAH AND THE KABALLAH THE DARK LORD CONTROLLERS AND SATANIC THE WORSHIP and the WARSHIP THE UNIVERSE OF SPACE TIME AND THE REAL UNIVERSIS HUMAN BI POLAR BRAIN and the NU REALITY OF MAN PERCEPTION AND REAL AWARENESS THE REAL NUWS and the daily NEWS All these represent the ideas and polarized concepts of reality. That is the real difference is not a polarity, but we only see it when we point out the polarity. This is the human paradox (perception) and the NUman recognition. Let us see the differencing, as this…THE PLUS and MINUS or the _ and + or the male and female as positive and negative poles, but in stead of believing it is good or bad, or some such other interpretation, let us view the - + as a NUETRAL, which is both are as they are, yet outside the polarity, each sex as an example just is, not of the plus or minus, but as a causation, we find it is our choice what reality we wish to create, and so man and women created reality as a union, but also have separate or distinct reality, just as we also are ourselves each of us unique or distinct, creating our own simulated reality or creation, that is distinct from any other, and is itself an ISNISS, and so the same goes for the ALL IS of all reality and the ISNISS OF REALITY ITSELF, And this real awareness is quite distinct from perception or our view of reality, which is our A CAUSAL or ALL natural or NU Unity with ALL IS, depending only on our choice and view, which can be manufactured in the simulator, or created in our mind or under the control of the SIMULATED CAUSALITY or DARK LORD brats Thusly what our reality IS, IS, and the TRU REALITY LIFE IS in either respect, not a plus minus or good bad, just an ISNISS life IS. The real difference between ALL IS and ISNISS This is the sum total or whole as opposed to the ISNISS of all things, that each of us is an ISNISS, not a body in time, not a covid experiment, not a star in the heavens, not a moment in time, not a holy immortal or a space god, not a belief system or worship warship alien, not just a human or a numan, not just a free being of light, not just a simulated reality, not a matrix code dominant, not a one dimensional union, not a polarity of perception, not a three dimensional reality, nor any specific literal or personal causation or law principle The SPACE GDZ and THE GODZ OF MAN The real universe is every unfolding. Our position is every becoming. The NU reality is enever now. The NU advisor is the NUMAN, the NU GUIDES ever unfolding the NU UniversIS ever decoding and the NU REALITY ever being. There is no reference and no preference nor is there a causal or mental definition, THE REAL DIFFERENCE is not GOD is REAL or the GOD HAS A NAME OR RELIGION OR A REALITY ITSELF, That NU U IS UNREAL or a REAL—LEGION or that there is any name place or condition of the ONE reality which LIFE IS…. So to know THE ____ One is a recognition, not a creation, and the REVEALATION is not a REVELATION nor is the GENESIS the NU AEGIS, or the EXODUS a EXEGIS of the REAL which is ALL IS in its ALL ISNISS Everything man has is a pronouncement of time, a valuation of space, a conditional reality, a polarity in union, a sex race space case or a social cultural real-legion of perspective, an idea or concept of reality, and is most likely fixed in a time space control matter, or a simulated reality of which we are caught and positioned, a conditionality which we have accepted and by agreement continue for whatever purpose either of the kaluum god or the ONE NU Universal THE REAL DIFFERENCE between SOLARIS AND ASTROLOGY, the NU AEGIS AND THE AQURIAN AGE The ASTROLOGY is a system developed by the SUMERIANS which creates space gods of planets or stars and the SUN, which was caused or created by the SPACE GOD worship ideas of the Orions, and other space race aliens, who had visited and then altered the DNA encoded humanity as a civilization bred control experiment, much like covidity demonstration (DEMON STRATA) or condition of the matrix coded AI we see becoming more and more the reality of man in the ALIENATION and Reptilian drama of survival, using laws principles and restricted dominion, that is the dark lord or space god, the difference between the KALUUM GOD and the SPACE GOD worship is the same difference or distance, even as such like social distancing is a tool of the god belief system and the ACTION of dark lord overlords or control which insists on its one dimension domination in a three dimensional position, which has little relation to life itself in its whole or UNIVERSAL (seven life levels and the SOLARIS) The difference between the NU AEGIS and the OLD AEGIS OF ZEUS, is the objects of the SUN or the STARS are bounded to the earth ecliptic, or grounded in the solar system, based on the past and time in a fixed reverse cycle of a universe linear and bounded, while the NU AEGIS is a current and ever becoming, like a big bang that is never ending, and the creation that is always unfolding, not a fixed time based or space controlled matrix. There is a difference between the AGE OF AQUARIUS, too the AI unfolding reality in a galactic universe or the virtual reality dominant, and the NU AEGIS which is not a time space reference, is itself every becoming as are we, an associate or relative of the TRU REALITY and not the relative of the STARS or SUN which is that of a position in the solar and solar galactic among constellations or positions of view, which we have subscribed to. Yet the unity of these is the REALITY, so that Life proceeds from either OR from the OTHER, which has no name or song or position except as we relate to it, that is OUR REAL AWARENESS is of ITSELF, and this IS AN ISNISS Man takes the solid ground control of Major Tom or the MAJOR LEAGUE or even the COMIC BOOK legion of Heroes and becomes our view or position which cannot be easily broken or changed because it appears to be REALITY. lIke a movie with no ending, or a INDIANA JONES story which begins with a premise which actually ends without any resolution,, as there was no difference of the begin and ending. It in this is all a cosmic joke.
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