Paneagle began writing music in 1981.
"If you'll just imagine, you will see, you have risen above the world, and you can fly, we together we can ride, on this wave of light and sound!"
From "Light and Sound" by Paneagle
Acoustic Versions in this Site are samples of the music by N'EVER - Email for a SONG SAMPLE returned to you.
"These songs are good". "I loved your music. It uplifted me every time". The Music and sound of Paneagle came about through his experiences with the light and sound, the HU, and the voice of spirit in music, the wind, the ocean and all sounds of life.
Paneagle appreciates the great music of the last 200 years in the world, and also that the sound current is timeless. He also had experiences of being the Muse, that is being among many of the modern rock music in their time and space with the music developed in areas he was living in. He felt related to directly as a musical channel as a messenger, the charioteer, or the likes of Hermes and Athena and others....while he was in England 1968, or California 1975 for example. But he realizes that everyone is a channel, and this was his experience of it, just as all of us can experience this relation to spirit and sound current, in our daily life as well as through our creativity, and in musicians or people around us - lISTENING or reading the lyrics of such music can open us to hearing the sound within - a truly liberating experience!
is an acoustic rock band (folk-country-blues-soul-cosmic-psych-love) music
Pronounced En-Ever - a play on words for forever n' ever - the Music lives ON
Roots of the music is both in the 60's and before, from the American Blues and country Rhythms to Jazz Fusion and Classical and Folk compositions
The members of N'Ever have changed, but all still live
The music is uplifting, cosmic, spiritual, soulful, acoustic, vocal, and poetic
Listen to a song sound byte here of N'Ever
Soul is Free. The path to God is direct. You are Eternal, you can be Immortal. The Sound Current is forever. Listen, listen, listen. Be The Hu for the HU is in all sound. Soul Travelers of the Far Country sing for freedom here and now. Hear the Sound of Soul.
THE EAGLE MUSIC SCHOOL - If you would like to know the essence of song and sound, of word and music, you may become a student of music, or improve your creativity, your song quality, and musicianship, or your ability to tune in to the sound current and great music, all at the same time. The School is by correspondence. The time and involvement is by choice. Our only guarantee, you will improve, and you will discover what you may already know, and what you may love to learn.
Why the 12 DISCIPLES of Rock? (Read below our long article on the music and God)
We can see in music the 12 rock leaders - Among them, the Matrys who died during the last generation - Bob Marley, Michael Jackson, Buddy Holly, Elvis, Morrison, Joplin, Hendrix, Lennon, Sam Cooke, Kurt Cobain, Marvin Gaye, as well as queens’ Freddie Mercury and we may add George Harrison. These all were the symbols and musical leaders in their generation. Most stood for freedom, love, peace, beauty, good will, natural or divine love, and so on. That each is as dynamic in their relation to the 12 biblical ones named, we can add a number of others, for the number is not important, nor the exact connotation, for the Andy (Andrew) Gibb brother, Curtis Mayfield, Karen Carpenter, Wilson Pickett, and most recently Amy Winehouse among others. All died young or in unusual circumstances, representing the interior elements of civilization which they battled with or symbolized. Many had the same names as the original Bible Disciples - There is the common element of early death and prime matrydom of all who were indeed the legends of their time and groups.
Bob Dylan (once called judas for having led electronics past natural acoustic music) has survived and Paul McCartney as well survives as the symbol likened of Saint Paul, who took the bible teaching and made them publicly acceptable, just as Paul was the most popular and pop music conscious of the Beatles. The queen of soul, Aretha franklin also survives, despite weight gain and her own return to gospel which usually ends the careers of most musicians. A third is the Jamaican music leader Al Green who is making a smaller worldly round in gospel elements. Brian Wilson was another who nearly died in catatonic release from his physical life, he came back and is today the symbol of california pop rock songs. Mick Jagger and his co-worker Keith Richard are also of this element of survival, even if seemingly rocks of great age, cut and worn on the surface appearance but rich and iconized in defense of both rock, womanizing, or drug taking, another form of the mirror reflection.
Stevie Wonder also surviving although he is blind and disabled symbol of achieving for his times. That the other, Ray Charles, is also of some matryed quality, makes these all as representatives, even if they are unconscious of it. They did live or die for the cause (rock soul sound freedom). These all similarly are referenced of the biblical matrydoms, the 12 disciples, many with the same names as in Jesus time, brought the sound current or the spiritual ideal forward, even if they are not fully aware of how or why.
How is this the mirror of the world and mirror of the teaching of god? These reflections and souls who lived, tried to describe the freedom of spirit in religion, persona, and the object of free will over karma. We do see that Dylan survives, despite his matrydom as a rock icon, but also Paul as Saint Paul the one who continues to be the leading role of the rock musician balladeer and singer who helped drop the soviet union as a Beatle music icon, or who still carries the rock, just as the rock of ages is transported from one civilization to another, that America was the modern day nation of this central form, which is only another reflection of the oldest teachings that wil always survive.
The bible and christian elements are similarly invoked, because the civilization is based on them, and this history occurs in western culture because of the channel created here. These individuals are all martyred to represent the cultural death of rock and roll, which is not the sound current essentially, only the reflection in our modern world. Therefore, it is not that rock or music will die, or that 12 are reincarnated disciples from christ’s time, but as all men are reincarnated souls, it does represent both the longevity and the cycle of incarnation that occurs as well as the long lasting element of truth and the teachings which are revealed always, in every form in every time.
Only today and especially ORIGINATED in the 60’s the modern civilization have we come to recognize its own true music and the same heritage. Even if by these early deaths, and the loss of purity in the world as well, they still remain symbols and eternal as well as a primordial elements which reoccur in every land and in all peoples, especially dynamic in the leading culture of the times.
Because rock has been king, and the musicians who lead it are all martyred, Michael Jackson is an excellent example. Born of Jehovah’s witness, who believe they will rise from the ashes when the world ends, he was accused of child abuse, after surviving a burning accident scared for life. As his face deteriorated, wearing makeup as a mask, and bearing two mixed-race children from a white wife, his comeback as an attempt at unification, and preaching the music gospel that was shortened before its realization. This attempt at bringing heaven to earth came by using drugs to strengthen his weak physical condition that was clearly fueled by society and economic needs. Jackson lost his life somehow as the balance of karmic wheel that purified his image, ended the accusations, and risen his fallen star, to become again among the greatest symbol of rock music’s history.
The eternal hero still is the light and sound of god, and being a disciple or channel for its love. It occurs to us that the three greatest were all martyred, lost to the society, and stand still as heralds of the music as well as the spiritual danger that awaits soul, to become a public worldly and social icon. John Lennon, Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley were the key symbols of their generations in music, the king, prince, and peace leaders. The twelve et all represent the continuous worldly cycle of death and life, and martrydom since before Jesus time, going back to Abraham, and even before to Atlantis, when the entire civilization went down. The rock music of this age was similar abused and formed the construction and destruction of the times, from Egypt, to Europe, as both creative expression and the controlling form of the state fused the elements of critical denial and control by power. Now electronics is the power which is enveloping the creative elements and putting them into forms which demonstrate destructive controlled formats in country or rap music, making them socialized, and then paternalized to the national icons. This is an essential element which will result in american dissolution of power, as much as gospel and rock both also represent the truth of these modern movements always in play, and balance of forces.
If we go back in time, Lincoln, Mozart, and Beethoven would represent this same element in past historical periods, where they led musical and political movements which were leading creative change, even if only through music or ideals and his distribution. In long ago Greece, Socrates was one of those religiously martyred, whose teaching and value continues in modern times. You can be sure among later political eras, we find from Galileo to Michelangelo to Darwin to unknown gypsies, the same martyred lifetime where ideals and truth clashed with the human values and darker forces. There is no denial that this continues, as well the same general propaganda and use of the greatest these men had to offer. In this we can see they all survive, as do we, as Soul, spiritual beings, or others as reincarnated souls even to Earth, placed somewhere within the great worlds of god.
The history of Rock is cut with the cloth of the ages. The story of the soul rocker, and the rock of ages, as well as the rock painting of the ancients, and the children’s dream story of the rock painters all gives us both story fantasy and reality of the ancient sound. This always lives in the creation, the rocks and the modern civilization which still seeks the greatest material purpose of the spiritual importance, but which cannot seem to match or contain it in humanity. Therefore, the icons die, or leave early for another world, or heaven, and the same repetition continues through time, in the world cycles and evolution of mankind.
Will it ever end? To some rock has died, and the modern civilization is crippled. It may be neither is completely true, but a golden age does not seem to be ahead, and if it is, a new music must come along, as well as finding it's golden value or the diamond of spirit, which must move all the world ahead.
for more on music, solrocker.blogspot.com